Classes at Bear Creek Resort
To book a class please go to Rooms - book - add on - add class and meals
May 26 - 30
Wilderness Survival Basics, 3 days class
This course is a hands-on introduction to the skills and knowledge necessary to live through a short-term survival situation. If you have the survival skills and experience to survive at least 72 hours, then you have a much greater chance to find your way out to a better situation.
Topics will include essential survival gear, survival priorities, and most importantly, how to maintain an upright mind.
You will learn these crucial survival skills:
June 24-28
Wild Woman 4 days class
In this unique program you will learn:
Plants found across North America will be highlighted while incredible gifts of localized herbs will also be discussed. Each student will take home harvested plants, handmade remedies.
July 21 -25: Family Survival camp 3 days
In this class you will have a special bonding time for your family, while enjoying beauty of Montana, you will learn:
August 18 -23
Couples survival team building + relationships work out + romance building camp
Take your-self to the survival camp for the team building skills. Chance to know each other’s strong and week sides, build deeper understanding of each temperament, become really close through our special program for couples. Learn self-regulation tools to reduce stress and increase your resilience
September 23 – 29
Country /Wilderness living/ Homesteading. Off grid living 3 days class.
How to be self-sufficient
Natural Shelters/ materials and building technics.
Alternative methods and materials in the house building: straw bale, cord wood, earth bag, log cabins, rocks.
How to build root cellar, smoker, how to collect rainwater and preserve it, how to buy, install, use and maintain solar panels.
This is a hands-on class. Bring your tools (please see list on the booking page). After class you will be very confidents using them.
Northwestern Montana is a charming area of quaint towns, high peaks, lakes, streams, and water falls. The 95,000 acresCabinet Mountains of Northwest Montana are some of the least traveled yet most beautiful in the country. Running roughly 150 miles from the north end of the Bitterroots and almost to British Columbia they encompass some of the most remote and untouched land left. Imagine putting yourself in thy country that may not have seen another soul for months, maybe years. They are encompassed by the millions of acres that make up the Kootenai National Forest and many more adventures are awaiting you there.
Hiking, camping, waterfalls sight-seeing, rock climbing, snowmobiling (miles of groomed trails), UTV and dirt biking, fishing, kayaking, boating, jet skiing, birds watching, peddle boarding, hunting, mushrooms and plants foraging, soaking at hot springs are just few things to choose from.
Local Events 2022
Under The Big Sky Festival July 15th -17th. Music, rodeo, roundup. Whitefish MT
Annual Big Sky Blues Festival August 5th – 7th, Noxon MT
Trout Creek Huckleberry Festival Trout Creek August 13th – 14th
Sanders County Fair Sept. 1st - 3rd Plains MT
15th Annual CFVH Foundation Golf Classic Sept. 4th. Plains MT
Places to visit:
Bison Farm
Glassier National Park
Ross Creek Cedars
Graves Creek and falls are just upstream from the bridge that crosses the road. A mile above Handkerchief Lake you will find a pull-out surrounded by low-hanging brush. This section of the creek is a high quality but very difficult kayaking run. Hiking from the trailhead just up the road leads to the Sun and Moon Falls with series of waterfalls and countless beautiful cascades.
Lolo Pass
Kootenai Waterfalls and Swinging Bridge
Garnet Ghost Town open year-round, daily from 9:30am-4:30pm, wheeled vehicles are allowed on the road from May 1 through December 15, snowmobile and skies needed for the winter and early spring access. $3 entrance fees.
Museum, Placer and Sierra Mine Loop Trails.
Garnet Day June 16, 2022, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.: sights, sounds and smells of a 19th-century, family friendly includes ice cream social, music, wool-spinning demonstration, a quilt display, old-fashioned games for children, and a pie auction.
Year round over 30 miles of back country roads and trails for mountain bike and UTVs. Roads and trails wind through timbered slopes and climb to elevations of 7,000 feet.
Or over 110 miles of trails for snowmobilers and cross-country skiers. The trails offer a variety of riding conditions, climb to 7,000 feet and offer spectacular views. Most trails are regularly groomed.
Fish Trap Lake easy relaxing trails with the beautiful views of the lakes, wildflowers and wildlife. No drinking water.
Cougar Peak, Engle Peak and Sex Peak Lookouts. Sweeping views, great for photography, fireweed foraging
Frog Pond, Trout Creek (great for kids fishing, swimming and kayaking)
Triangle Pond, Noxon – great for swimming and wishing
Bull River Campground and Noxon Reservoir are excellent fishing (awesome pike and largemouth bass, trout) and birds watching places
Lake Koocanusa has one of the best land-locked salmon fisheries in the northwest. The Kootenai River is considered a blue-ribbon trout stream with trophy-size rainbow trout.
Stone Hill Rock Climbing Area steep quartzite cliffs feature more than 500 climbs from easy, moderate to challenging rating 5.10 and up with the views of a ponderosa pine forest and Lake Koocanusa. Late February through late October.
Thompson River Backcountry and Scenic Byway (begins outside of the Thompson falls and ends at the junction with Highway 2 west of Kalispell and east of Libby.
Kayak Rentals: Kootenai River Outfitters 406 – 2959444, Crazy Moos Kayak and Paddleboard Rental 406 - 8273030
Horse riding and lessons: Rails and Trails Ranch, Haven Stables 153 Faro Ln, Trout Creek 406 - 8274061
For more recreation ideas please visit: or or
Places to eat (hours and days of operation may vary, check before you visit)
Simple Simon’s Pizza: pizza, sandwiches, salads (they deliver if preordered few hours before 406-827-5100
Minnie’s, Thompson Falls
Big Eddy’s, Thompson Falls
Farmhouse, Plains
European Connection Thompson Falls
Angry Beaver, Noxon
River Roadhouse, Trout Creek
Mercantile, Noxon
Champs Chicken, Thompson Falls
Way Side Bar and Grills, Thompson Falls
The Bean Bug, Plains
Ripples Ice Cream Parlor Plains
The Butchers Nook, Plains
Black Bear Deli & Espresso
MT Vine Restaurant, Hot Springs (Sundays only), (5 starts experience, worth driving)
Check out Camas Organic Market in Hot Springs. It has an impressive variety of organic foods and baked goods,including plenty of gluten free options!
Order online httos://, home made from scratch pies/gluten free pies: Pecan, Pumpkin, Apple, Blackberry Sour Cream, Cheesecake. Pick up at Hot Springs or Plains.
Hot Springs
Welcome to the heart of the Northwest Montana and it’s natural wonders!
To have a fantastic experience bringing together many of the awe-inspiring components of this state please use information provided below. We hope you will build life-time memories!
Nearest groceries store: Harvest Foods at Thompson Falls
In case of medical emergency:
Clark Fork Valley Hospital
10 Kruger Road, Plains, Montana 59859
Thompson Falls Family Medicine
120 Pond St., Thompson Falls, MT 59873
Thompson Falls Veterinary
2 Gebhardt Ln, Thompson Falls, MT 59873